Contact Information:

Email: [email protected]

License Agreement for Gemology Sample Pack

By purchasing the Gemology sample pack, you agree to the following terms:

Your Rights

Upon payment, you receive a non-exclusive (others can also use the Samples), non-transferable (you cannot give the rights to someone else), and perpetual (never-ending) license to use the provided drum samples and original loop compositions (the "Samples") to create new recordings ("Recordings") by combining them with other sounds. These Recordings are considered "derivative works" under U.S. copyright law (your own creations based on the Samples).

Allowed Uses

You may:


You may not:

  1. Use Samples in Isolation: The Samples must be part of a new Recording combined with other sounds. You cannot use them on their own, such as:
  2. Compete with Us: Do not use the Samples to create products that compete with this sample pack, such as new sample packs or similar products.